As 2020 comes to a close, we wanted to take a moment to reflect on the past year. It was a year filled with ups, downs, and curveballs called Covid. But we made it, and we are excited for what is to come. Even with a global pandemic, the HLC Equity team had some amazing wins this past year, We are pleased to share the HLC Equity 2020 Year In Review, check out the highlights below:
We successfully navigated the business/economic impacts of Covid while delivering positive cash flow at all of our properties.
Serviced apartments launched at 2 (two) Layers properties
100% Occupancy achieved on serviced apartments in 1st year
49+ of community engagements (ie events, community games, etc)
Layers Lite 3rd party service launched (A program to help other owners/operators increase revenue)
Layers Lite buildings launched in Manhattan (NYC)
25,198 messages sent on our community App
840 Move-ins
HLC Direct Launched (Our solution to provide private investors direct access to institutional quality real estate transactions)
94% average occupancy achieved across the entire multifamily portfolio
Launch of HLC Insights with 1347 recipients
$10,000 raised and distributed through #wearelayers campaign
100+ investors served
We successfully navigated the business/economic impacts of Covid while delivering positive cash flow at all of our properties.
Significant updates made to our website
We launched Layers Unlimited at Republic Deer Creek
We updated our management platform which lead to a 50% increase in efficiency.
1256 Resident Work Orders Completed
Portfolio Leasing Statistics:
12,617 prospect interactions
5,596 guest cards
1,504 tours
1,079 applications
638 gross leases
335 net leases
1 Urban Philadelphia development site acquired for a Layers branded building
1 Urban Pittsburgh redevelopment site being worked on for a Layers branded building

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